Beauty 365 … Stories of Love and Life for Everyday

The Simple Things.

Years ago, my husband and I participated in a marriage enrichment program which gave some great advice about communication.


Being still.

This is a photo of my beloved husband, and our dog, gazing out at the sunset at Ventnor, Phillip Island.


Then and forever.

No, it's not our wedding anniversary. It's just that we went to a beautiful wedding yesterday, and weddings always make me reminisce about my own wedding, and my marriage. (Yes, that's us in the photo!)


Just my cup of tea.

Are you a tea drinker? Tea drinking, I believe, is quite a serious business for some. I have one friend who inspects my tea cups by holding them to the light before choosing her desired receptacle, and is horrified when I can’t produce a tea pot. And I have memories of my parents ‘dying’ for a cup of tea if they had gone more than a few hours without one. They craved it to ‘bring body and soul together again’!


Leaves speaking bliss.

Earlier, my husband asked me about the topic of my next blog. I was a little embarrassed to reply, “Leaves…it's about leaves”.


Dial a Granddaughter

One of my girls is toying with starting a new enterprise: ‘Dial a Granddaughter’.


Acquainting with quarantine.

I’m sorry to say it now, but I have been guilty of envying those people who have come back from overseas, and been placed in hotels for quarantine. I mean, wow! Meals brought to you, long uninterrupted showers, internet that doesn't cut out, a kingsize bed all to yourself. I mean, you've come back from a glorious overseas holiday, and then you've graduated to heaven. I wasn't very sympathetic. Until now…


Lock-down journey Day 53…All rise for the last post!

Day 53 was May 11, the date all Victorians had been anticipating for a relaxation in restrictions and the day I decided to conclude my daily lock-down journey blog.



Lock-down journey Day 52…'Pay up Big Boi!

Day 52 was Mother's Day and I found myself in a lock-down within the lock-down.



Lock-down journey Day 51… I remember.

I spent the day snuggled up indoors.

At around 4pm I got a call from my doctor letting me know that I DON'T have Coronavirus!

I am very relieved and grateful that my doctor cared enough to call me with results on a Saturday afternoon!

I wrote this small poem for my mum.



Lock-down journey Day 50... Testing, testing...

Day 50 saw me sitting in my car outside my doctors, getting tested for the Coronavirus.


Lock-down journey Day 49…Through the window pain.

After some relaxing of restrictions, and a fair bit of negotiating with the aged care facility, on day 49 of lock-down, I was finally able to visit my dad.


Lock-down journey Day 48…Get Woke Wednesday.

Everyone in our household seems to have a strong opinion about something. Some in our household seem to have a strong opinion about everything!


Lock-down journey Day 47...D.I.Y.M.O.B.

To date on our lock-down journey I have artfully avoided blogging about a project that is very dear to my heart. Day 47 and I have decided to spill the beans. I won’t keep you in the dark. D.I.Y.M.O.B stands for Do It Yourself Mother Of the Bride. I am attempting a project to make my own dress for the wedding of my daughter (so exciting), originally planned for July 4, now postponed to September 26.


Lock-down journey Day 46…Gearing up for guests.

I am good at seeing things that should be done, retrospectively. One of the things I wish we had done when we got married 27 years ago, was have a guest book for our home. I would love to have a record of all the people who have sat at our table for a meal. I honestly think it would be over a thousand!



Lock-down journey Day 45…Seized by a series.

A few years ago, we did Downton Abbey. For all but the lttlies, who were deemed too young to watch, it started out as a fun experience. On a Sunday night, we would snuggle up on couches, indulge in snacks, and brace ourselves for an evening of intrigue. But it's reach went further than that. Many an evening dinner was devoted to discussion around its doings. Just how could they kill off Matthew? Was Bates really a murderer? And how dreamy is Branson?! Even years later, we still break into the ‘Cora voice’, given the right provocation. The wheels fell off towards the end, as the creators kept stringing us along with new seasons. Break away factions formed who watched in their own time and space, and I grew contented to simply be informed of outcomes, rather than living the agony of the drama.


Lock-down journey Day 44…When nothing is stirring.

My husband and I have fallen into a new routine and it has been transformative.


Lock-down Journey Day 43… Just ten minutes.

When you do the maths, you can work out that there are 144 lots of ten minutes in every day. If you allow for eight hours of sleep time, and subtract that from the total, it means that there are 96 lots of ten minutes in the waking house of each day. Now unless you are a lawyer and have had to fill out those incessant time sheets, you probably haven't thought too much about how you are spending each of these 96 ten minutes periods. 96! That sounds like an awful lot of time, doesn't it!?


Lock-down journey Day 42… A new (scary) project.

“Fashion is my passion”, no, too strong. How about, “Passion is my fashion,” not quite right either….

On day 42, my head was in a spin. I began work on a new project which I had agreed to in principal, a few weeks ago. In practice, it is proving to be tricky.


Lock-down journey Day 41… Fireside bliss.

Good old Melbourne! One day we’re enjoying our parks and gardens, the next we searching out winter woolies and stew recipes! What surprises me most, is that every year, it surprises me! Wouldn’t you think a Melbourne girl would be used to all that changeability by now? And I never fail to be slightly miffed when I ring my sister in Brisbane who tells me, “It’s 27 degrees here today and we’re all in the pool’, while I’m making a refill of my hot water bottle! Yes, that hurts!


Lock-down journey Day 40…. Sweet dreaming.

My daughters cornered me. (Don't be deceived by their angelic faces!) Oh, I’d known that something was afoot. They’d spent too long bunkered together in the lounge room, speaking in hushed tones broken by intermittent shrieking laughter. When the door knob finally clicked, I somehow knew they’d be coming for me. I took protection behind a kitchen cupboard, wishing I could disappear into the groceries, but to no avail. One at each elbow, and with cheeky glints in their eyes, they led me firmly to the couch, and we sat down…too close for comfort.


Lock-down journey Day 39… Christmas in April!

I think my daughter may have a hotline number to the big Man upstairs. How about this for a story? All true.


Lock-down journey Day 38… When pulled pork is the highlight of your day.

On Day 38 we were kept indoors for most of the day, the weather cold and rainy. Fuelled by a beautiful online Mass, we pottered and dabbled in various projects, lazed around, read by the fire, pretended to keep busy actually, while we waited and anticipated. Something was stirring in the background, a quiet foreshadowing, a tantalising promise.


Lock-down journey Day 37… Pulling up my socks.

I have tackled a lot of unpleasant jobs during these lock-down days. Weeds have been pulled, cupboards have been cleaned out, and I’ve even culled masses of unused text books from yesteryear. Day 37, and I faced a job that has been screaming at me for months, actually, years. The odd sock basket.


Lock-down journey Day 36… Sourdough dud.

This image of our first four children when they were small, and in particular, the face of the youngest, reflects my mood on day 36. Let me explain.



Lock-down journey Day 35… Up the creek

Why does it take a pandemic to help us discover a nature haven that has always been right under our noses?


Lock-down journey Day 34… Going potty with Potter.

Day 34 saw us out in the garden again doing a revamp of our pots.


Lock-down journey Day 33…A change of perspective.

This photo is taken flat on my back on the mat of our backyard trampoline.



Lock-down journey Day 32…And then there were six.

At our home, we have a revolving door policy. Kids are flying the coop, so to speak, and I am excited and proud to witness the wonderful and exciting lives they are making for themselves, but I always find that it is far easier to welcome the kids home again than it is to let them leave!


Lock-down journey Day 31…My new football-less life.

I’ve never been one for self-pity. Calling for the pity of others is likewise not in my fabric. Having said that, however, Day 31 brought with it an epiphany that I wish to share with you, dear reader. It came to me as we were sitting around the table on our verandah, enjoying a long lunch of pizza and red wine, celebrating the birthday of my husband … My life has been dominated by football.


Lock-down journey Day 30…Blogging on…and on…

Day 30 of our lock-down journey. Day 30! Wow! That means a month of blogging each and every day. All at the same time I feel a mixture of shock, amazement, exhaustion, exhilaration and trepidation about what is yet to come!


Lock-down journey Day 29… Lunchtime puzzles.

Most people associate lunch with eating. Fair enough.


Lock-down journey Day 29… Lunchtime puzzles. (1)

Most people associate lunch with eating. Fair enough.


Lock-down journey Day 28… Going, Going…Gone!

I’m not good with change. Even small things like changing our brand of hommus can really rattle me. A couple of years ago, when my hairdresser moved, my doctor retired and our parish priest switched, boy, was my recovery slow! These days, I am grappling with a massive new change, but surprisingly, I’m ok with it. I think.


Lock-down journey Day 27… Seven sets of square eyes.

“Turn off that television or you’ll get square eyes!!”

When I was a girl, this was one of my mum’s favourites. She would bring it out if we had been in front of the TV too long, or were simply sitting too close to the box.

Along the same lines as “Eat your crusts so your hair goes curly,” I had always presumed that the threat didn’t have any medical basis. Not anymore.


Lock-down journey, Day 26…Introducing Bilbo.

Eight years ago, when one of our sons was small (was he really small once?), shy (long gone), and very cute (still very cute, just in a teenagerish sort of way), he begged for a dog.


Lock-down journey Day 25… Stacking on the kilos!

According to the Church, the feast of Easter is so important that it cannot be celebrated on just one day, but is to be celebrated over eight days, hence the Easter Octave. My family is all over this and asserts that it is, in fact, our Christian obligation to feast like we did on Easter Sunday, every day for the next week!


Lock-down journey Day 24… A happy/sad day

Embarrassingly, I cried a lot on Day 24, Easter Sunday.


Lock-down journey Day 23… Less is more.

In the past, our family has participated in some pretty mega Easters.


Lock-down journey, Day 23…A Love Story

Once, long ago, in a faraway land, there lived a king and queen.


Lock-down journey Day 22…Weeds war.

Gorgeous, warm sunshine beckoned some of us outside the morning of day 22. Okay, it beckoned me, and I succeeded in ‘beckoning’ a couple of the kids to join me. I suppose the kids have learnt the hard way that when Mum ‘beckons’ outdoors, it means jobs!


Lock-down journey Day 21…When grocery shopping becomes fun!

As a mum of a large family, (large in number, stature and appetite!), I would have to say that grocery shopping is one of my least favourite chores. Yes, “chore” is a good word to describe what I feel about grocery shopping.


Lock-down journey Day 20…The triumph of a fig.

A boastful text from a dear friend on day 20 (yes, you were bragging Jess!), has inspired me to write about figs. Her message innocently contained a photo of a small fig tree bearing three baby figs, and the text, “Look, our fig tree is really taking off now!” Ouch!


Lock-down journey Day 19…Long distance birthday

They say, ‘distance makes the heart grow fonder.’ I say it makes the heart ache! Day 19 was our eldest daughter’s birthday (26 - I really can’t believe it!), and although she, in fact, left home over three years ago, these virus days, more keenly than ever, I feel her absence.


Lock-down journey Day 18…Palm Sunday

I have a real problem with turning on heaters, knowing that only last week we were bathed in warm sunshine and swimming at the beach! So, day 18 saw us wearing beanies indoors, hunting for moccasins in the back of cupboards, and more happily, gathering around our open fire.




Lock-down journey, Day 17… Making room.

There is a phenomenon in our family, known affectionately as ‘lamenting’, which occurs precisely 24 hours before each scheduled departure from our beloved Phillip Island. My husband in particular is quite susceptible to it. ‘Lamenting’ involves a violent pining for the place from which we haven’t yet left, wishing our holiday could have been longer, wanting to put off the return to work and school, and making various plans to actually live on the Island permanently!


Lock-down journey Day 16…Something fresh in the air.


Aware of our impending return to Melbourne, day 16 saw us taking a long walk through the quiet, gravelly streets and on to the beach. I am always conscious of the size of our group, (both in stature and number!), and wish I could wear a T-shirt that explains us…”Sorry, but we are all just the one family!”


Lock-down journey Day 15…Grey clouds with a silver lining.

Grey skies and grey moods on day 15 of our lock-down journey. The damp prevented too much outdoor activity and various personalities were beginning to feel a touch frustrated and hemmed-in, something we have largely avoided until now.


Lock-down journey Day 14... Roster revolution!

I’m going to say this very quietly because I am nervous that as soon as I articulate it, everything will fall apart, but, here goes, my life has been revolutionised! Let me explain…


Lock-down journey Day 13..."Bored" games!

Quite scarily, Day 13 of lock-down on Phillip Island saw the beaches close, limiting some of our fresh air freedoms a little more, hence, the opening of our ancient and ever evolving games cupboard.


Lock-down journey day 12…Still not enough time!

Routine out the window, events cancelled, work postponed, all but eating, sleeping and a bit of grocery shopping outlawed, yet these days, I still find that there is not enough time in each day to achieve all I would like.


Lock-down journey, Day 10...Torture time, choosing a family movie.

After dinner, Day 10, and we decide to have a break from the usual family board game to indulge in a family movie.

Picture the scene: all snuggled together on couches, arms linked, feet up, happily munching on popcorn, laughing, singing along, pulling tissues from boxes at the appropriate moments…ah, family goals.

Alas, that was not our scene.


Lock-down journey, Day 9… When all of this is over…

“When all of this is over…”

“When all of this is over…”

“When all of this is over…”


Lock-down journey Day 8... Lock-down paradise

“I’ve been coming down here for nearly fifty years!” is one of my most frequently repeated expressions when I am at Phillip Island with the family. And although dates are a little bit sketchy, and perhaps somewhat exaggerated, it is true that I have been holidaying down here since I was a child, holidaying with my own family.


Lock-down journey, Day 7……A small, but delicious, victory.

Dear reader, please forgive and indulge me as I narrate a back story which will help you understand the sweet victory that transpired on Day 7.


Lock-down journey Day 6- A change of scenery.

Day 6 saw our family take a sea change, literally, to our beloved Phillip Island holiday home. I have been coming down here since I was a child, so a significant place for me, and here, we will continue our lock-down days.


Lockdown Day 5......"Lights, camera, action...!"

Okay, for those of you who have been following my lock-down journey each day, and in particular, yesterday, I want to address something pretty quickly.



Plan A, plan B, plan C, Plan D, E, F, ....

I am a planner. And I suspect that I come from a long line of planners.

“He who fails to plan, plans to fail!!”

This was one of my wonderful dad’s finest, in his hefty repertoire of mottos when we were young. He brought it out frequently, when we needed encouragement to succeed in our sporting or academic pursuits.


Homeschool nostalgia.

Day 3 of our lockdown journey. My boys are adamant that although they are continuing their studies at home, it is not homeschooling.


Sticky situation…..sweet answers!


Day two of lockdown and mixed emotions in our house! There are definitely things I am missing already, (I’ll save that for another day!), but other things that I am not missing at all!!



The bright side of lockdown.....

Day 1 of an indefinite lockdown for my family and what better moment for me to begin my dream of blogging every day!



Life wins.

Born and raised a city girl, I feel very far from the extreme climactic conditions that so heavily impact the people of rural Australia.

That is, until very recently when I had the confronting experience of being driven through the fire-ravaged region of Port Macquarie, NSW.


The Beauty of fragility

We often associate beauty with youth, perfection and strength. Advertising every moment assures us that our products will sell if they are flaunted by the young, the strong, and the perfect. Which is why I was surprised this morning when I found beauty in an unlikely place- an aged care home.


Have you looked up lately?

It struck me yesterday while driving my daughter to the local train station.

Platforms and bus shelters were packed with commuters intently hunched over devices; fingers and thumbs tapping and swiping madly, or in other cases, ear phones in, eyes closed, zoning out to music or gripping podcasts.


Beauty will save the World!

Hello and welcome!
This is a momentous occasion.
Today I am launching my new website and writing my very first blog entry.
In case you haven’t read the ‘about’ page, allow me to introduce myself and explain what drives me to put pen to paper.